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Cleaning Constantly? These 4 Items Only Need Occasional Cleaning

Image for Cleaning Constantly? These 4 Items Only Need Occasional Cleaning

Do you feel like you can never get ahead of your household to-do list? Are you spending every weekend cleaning your space and neglecting more enjoyable pursuits? Despite popular opinion, you don’t have to wash everything in your house on a weekly, or even monthly, basis. In fact, there are some items that don’t have to be washed frequently at all. Here are 4 items that you may be cleaning too often.


With the exception of truly dirty clothes – like those worn at a physically demanding job or those covered with food stains – you don’t have to wash every item of clothing after each wash. In fact, the only items you should, without question, wash after every use are underwear, socks, workout gear, and anything worn close to the body.

Ceiling Fans and Fixtures

We all know that ceiling fans and light fixtures look better (and shine brighter) when clean. However, if you’re cleaning these household items every week, you’re doing it too often. Ceiling mounted lighting fixtures and ceiling fans can be cleaned just once a month. Don’t forget to do it ahead of your vacuuming or sweeping, so you can catch any stray dust that falls to the floor.
Winter Coats

Winter coats, which are typically made with heavier, non-washable materials, are often the culprit of costly dry cleaning bills. So, you’ll be happy to learn that most winter outerwear can make it through the season with two, if not one, cleanings. Prolong each wash by spot cleaning stains as soon as possible and storing your outerwear appropriately.

Curtains and Drapes

It’s always a pain to wash your curtains and drapes, since doing so requires that you uninstall and then re-install them before and after laundry day. If you’re tired of the same old routine, know that you may be doing it too often! These items only need cleaning once per year, unless they reside in your kitchen, in which case they should be cleaned every few months.

Optimize every aspect of your life with these interesting tips and ideas, courtesy of the professional team at Westmount at Three Fountains Apartments in San Antonio, Texas.

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